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How to Navigate a Sea of Fake Escort Photos!

Updated: Sep 26, 2019

Regrettably, there are millions of disreputable agencies using fake photos. The majority of these websites may use them to deceive clients, or possibly to protect the discretion of their escort ladies. The resulting potential is that the social escort companion who arrives to greet you barely resembles her lovely image online! To avoid this disappointment, please communicate with the agency to request several genuine photos or even a short introduction video. This way you can be sure the young lady arriving at your appointment is definitely authentic, and if not you'll recognize the fact instantly.

In these modern days of photoshop technology it's possible to retouch any escort girl into a super model image. Do not hesitate to request some "selfies" of your potential romantic companion! A "selfie" is a simple photo a social escort will take of herself with her own phone, and is usually more realistic. This gives you a better idea of the authentic image of the young lady who will arrive to your intimate private liaison.

In the worst case, if you dislike a social escort or courtesan when she arrives, simply let her know you've changed your mind and would like retire for the evening. Contact the agency (or another one!) as soon as possible to relay any dissatisfaction, and make an appointment with a different young lady. It is your right as a client to be 100% comfortable with your date for the evening, and to view genuine representation instead of some attractive fake photos. A reputable agency will always be happy to oblige without complaint, otherwise cancel the appointment and contact an agency with more integrity.


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